IgnorantGuru's Blog

Linux software, news, and tips

SpaceFM 1.0.3 Released

SpaceFM 1.0.3 has been released, and you can see the changes. Main highlights of this release are that the icon chooser now works in GTK3 builds, and handlers can now be imported/exported, so custom ones you create can be shared on the wiki. Also, non-latin keyboard shortcuts should now work better, and some issues involving some terminals (lxterminal, urxvtc, konsole, gnome-terminal, lilyterm) have been addressed.

SpaceFM has seen some nice improvements the last few months (the 1.0 series), including OmegaPhil’s work on adding an icon chooser dialog. This allows you to select icons visually, which is nice because SpaceFM allows you to change any icon in the application, using almost any icon or image file. The toolbar has also been redesigned, allowing you to right-click directly on toolbar items to configure the toolbar using design mode. And the bookmarks pane was partially extended, now including submenus and separators, and allowing not just bookmarks, but commands and applications to be bookmarked there. Video thumbnails are supported along with extra large icons, plus a new Large Icons mode for detailed and compact list views. Finally, customisable handlers were added for devices, protocols, archives, and files. And all of this is now pretty well debugged and stable.

As promised, development on SpaceFM and udevil has been active but slower lately, but these are mature projects that have been running very well, and mostly bug-free. Critical issues that do arise are usually addressed promptly. The plan is to keep these projects running and bugfixed for the foreseeable future, with occasional feature additions and other developments.

Summer doesn’t usually inspire much coding from me or work at the computer – I’d rather be mountain climbing and hiking. And I’m still pondering which OS direction to take, mainly weighing OpenBSD vs systemd-free Linux choices. I will probably get into that more again in the coming months, and I’ll share anything good I find. For now progress in that area has stalled, but I’ve been enjoying the break and look forward to approaching it with a fresh perspective when I get to it.

Hope everyone is having a good summer/winter, depending your hemispheric preference. Feel free to drop any related Linux/BSD/GTK/etc news in the comments below.

August 26, 2015 Posted by | Software | , | 19 Comments