IgnorantGuru's Blog

Linux software, news, and tips

Script Installation Instructions Updated

This site’s Script Installation Instructions have been rewritten to simplify the process. /usr/local/bin is now the recommended install directory and installation is done using the ‘install’ program, rather than the older installscript which installed to /opt/scripts/

If you were used to using installscript, the new method works similarly except that you’ll need to manually install the script’s dependencies with your package manager.

If you still want to use or setup /opt/scripts or another custom scripts folder, those instructions are still available on the Script Installation Instructions page.

If you have scripts installed to /opt/scripts and prefer the new location, just move the files to /usr/local/bin This location has the advantage that it is already in the PATH variables for normal users and root, including when sudo is used.

January 23, 2011 - Posted by | Tips

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